Who can benefit by being a patient of Equality Healthcare and who is your “target population”?
That’s an easy answer– everyone! Our current healthcare climate is increasingly requiring higher out-of -pocket costs for all healthcare services through increasing costs for deductibles (averaging $2000-$6000), copays, and premiums. These out- of-pocket costs are now getting to the point that even people with insurance are avoiding routine primary care due to the high costs involved. Patients are now appropriately seeking out much more value for their healthcare dollar. Our yearly cost for a wide range of primary care services is a fraction of what the average deductible now runs. We believe that the monthly fee spent for quick and easy access to your doctor, high quality primary care, extended patient visits that foster a true patient/ doctor relationship, and access to wholesale prices on medications/ labs/ imaging is money well spent. So, this is value from which everyone can benefit, not just one “target population”.